LocalStake works with entrepreneurs throughout the U.S. to raise funding via investment crowdfunding. They have a track record of success and provided expert testimony on the new investment crowdfunding law in Michigan – the Michigan Invests Locally Exemption Act. In addition, their investment crowdfunding platform was the source of the first successful fundraise in Michigan under the new crowdfunding law – Tecumseh Brewing Company, a brewery based out of Tecumseh, MI which raised $175,000. Kevin Hitchen, one of the Founders of Localstake has spent a significant amount of time in Michigan since the passage of the new law, speaking to groups about what it means, and the opportunities it provides for Michigan communities, entrepreneurs and residents. The League is excited to bring LocalsStake to Michigan communities, and begin the awareness of where they fit in the process of using this new economic development tool, which will help communities foster a culture of entrepreneurship – one of the League’s eight assets for successful 21st century communities. Listen to Kevin explain what LocalStake is here: